Kafka needs Zookeer in order to run.
Copy ➜ brew install zookeeper
➜ brew services start zookeper
We can instal and run Kafka the same way.
Copy ➜ brew install kafka
➜ brew services start kafka
When both are started, we can validate what all services are running on our system.
Copy ➜ brew services list
Name Status User Plist
zookeeper started ondrej /Users/ondrej/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.zookeeper.plist
kafka started ondrej /Users/ondrej/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.kafka.plist
Now we need to find where is Kafka installed so we can access its tools.
Copy ➜ brew --prefix kafka
Add it to your profile, for example, if you use zsh, add this line into your vi ~/.zshrc
Copy # Kafka
export PATH=/usr/local/opt/kafka/bin:$PATH
Don't forget to reload the config: source ~/.zshrc
Now we can try out whether we can access Kafka commands. Lets try to list all topics that are present in Kafka.
Copy ➜ kafka-topics --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
Setup multi-broker cluster
We have managed to run single broker. Lets see how to configure and start up multiple Kafka brokers.
Copy ➜ cp /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.properties broker1.properties
➜ cp /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.properties broker2.properties
Because we are going to run brokers on the same machine, we need to change these in broker1.properties
Copy broker.id=1
And these in broker2.properties
Copy broker.id=2
Now we can start up the two brokers we made the configuration for.
Copy ➜ /usr/local/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start broker1.properties &
➜ /usr/local/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start broker2.properties &
We can create topic that will be using 3 brokers we have started up so far.
Copy ➜ kafka-topics --create \
--zookeeper localhost:2181 \
--replication-factor 3 \
--partitions 1 \
--topic my-replicated-topic
Created topic "my-replicated-topic".
We can see what is happening in the cluster using describe topics
Copy ➜ kafka-topics --describe \
--zookeeper localhost:2181 \
--topic my-replicated-topic
Topic:my-replicated-topic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: my-replicated-topic Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1,2,0 Isr: 1,2,0
leader is node that is responsible for all reads and writes for given partition, if we would set partitions to 2, we would see two lines here
replicas - list of all nodes that replicate the log for this partition
isr - in-sync replicas, or "alive" replicas
If we want to kill the nodes we created, we first get the process id and then kill it.
Copy ➜ ps aux | grep broker1.properties
ondrej 66855 0.0 1.8......
➜ kill -9 66855
Now we can check what --describe command returns when we run it again, after we have killed one broker.
Copy ➜ kafka-topics --describe \
--zookeeper localhost:2181 \
--topic my-replicated-topic
Topic:my-replicated-topic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: my-replicated-topic Partition: 0 Leader: 2 Replicas: 1,2,0 Isr: 2,0