We usually want to generate a load for our services to measure the performance. Usually we want to do a certain set of operations every second, 5th second, minute or so.
We are going to create script that will try to call REST API 5 times every second.
Copy const _ = require('lodash');
const cron = require('node-cron');
const axios = require('axios');
let sent = 0;
let received = 0;
let inProgress = 0;
const reportStatus = function (values) {
let report = '';
values.forEach(response => {
if (_.has(response, 'status')) {
report += response.status + ', ';
} else if (_.has(response, 'code')) {
report += response.code + ', ';
} else {
report += response.response.status + ', ';
console.log(`Report: ${report}`);
received += values.length;
inProgress -= values.length;
console.log(`Sent: ${sent}, Received: ${received}, InProgress: ${inProgress}`);
const createTasks = function () {
let howMany = 5;
const tasks = _.range(0, howMany).map(it => {
return axios.get('https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=github&page=1&per_page=1')
return tasks;
const task = cron.schedule('* * * * * * *', function () {
console.log(new Date());
const tasks = createTasks();
let howMany = tasks.length;
sent += howMany;
inProgress += howMany;
console.log(`Sent: ${sent}, Received: ${received}, InProgress: ${inProgress}`);
Promise.all(tasks.map(p => p.catch(e => e)))
.then(function (values) {
When we run the code, we can observe that couple of requests and with 200 but the rest will end with 403, becuase github will refuse too many requests.
You can authenticate to make more requests.
Copy Starting...
Sent: 5, Received: 0, InProgress: 5
Report: 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,
Sent: 5, Received: 5, InProgress: 0
Sent: 10, Received: 5, InProgress: 5
Report: 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,
Sent: 10, Received: 10, InProgress: 0
Sent: 15, Received: 10, InProgress: 5
Report: 403, 403, 403, 403, 403,
Sent: 15, Received: 15, InProgress: 0
Sent: 20, Received: 15, InProgress: 5
Report: 403, 403, 403, 403, 403,
Sent: 20, Received: 20, InProgress: 0
The code should also report how each request time and what is median, average and lets say 99th percentile.