Mad Scientist

Mad scientist's code is code produced by highly motivated, intelligent, productive but mad developer. Lets look at these apects:

  • motivated - usually works all the time, day and night, working day or weekend

  • intelligent - is able to find interesting solutions for many issues

  • productive - writes a LOT of code, I mean, like a lot!

  • mad - cares only about functionality, not about how is the code written and tested, usually cares only if the code works while the code is produced

The code produced by mad scientist is not horrible, it just does not follow common practices, usually is not formatted, is not testable and not very well tested. Also, code is using very encrypted shortcuts. A good sign you work with code produced by mad scientist, is that you don't want to touch it.

The code usually works on their machines. They don't really enjoy communication with other developers, because the other guys are just too stupid. They think "cmon, everybody should get what is the code about by actually READING the code".

Sometimes, management thinks they are super awesome guys saving the universe. But people who are around them know how much damage they do to the company.


I picked this class because I think it is crazy enough. Long methods, not testable code and many comments that are not solved (and probably won't be solved any soon). It is using shortcuts, like PS, SEG, S.

If anyone thinks this code is testable, try to test that constructor ;-)

class ParagraphText<PS, SEG, S> extends TextFlowExt {

    // FIXME: changing it currently has not effect, because
    // Text.impl_selectionFillProperty().set(newFill) doesn't work
    // properly for Text node inside a TextFlow (as of JDK8-b100).
    private final ObjectProperty<Paint> highlightTextFill = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(Color.WHITE);
    public ObjectProperty<Paint> highlightTextFillProperty() {
        return highlightTextFill;

    private final Var<Integer> caretPosition = Var.newSimpleVar(0);
    public Var<Integer> caretPositionProperty() { return caretPosition; }
    public void setCaretPosition(int pos) { caretPosition.setValue(pos); }
    private final Val<Integer> clampedCaretPosition;

    private final ObjectProperty<IndexRange> selection = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(StyledTextArea.EMPTY_RANGE);
    public ObjectProperty<IndexRange> selectionProperty() { return selection; }
    public void setSelection(IndexRange sel) { selection.set(sel); }

    private final Paragraph<PS, SEG, S> paragraph;

    private final Path caretShape = new CaretPath();
    private final Path selectionShape = new SelectionPath();

    private final CustomCssShapeHelper<Paint> backgroundShapeHelper;
    private final CustomCssShapeHelper<BorderAttributes> borderShapeHelper;
    private final CustomCssShapeHelper<UnderlineAttributes> underlineShapeHelper;

    // proxy for caretShape.visibleProperty() that implements unbind() correctly.
    // This is necessary due to a bug in BooleanPropertyBase#unbind().
    // See
    private final Var<Boolean> caretVisible = Var.newSimpleVar(false);

    ParagraphText(Paragraph<PS, SEG, S> par, Function<StyledSegment<SEG, S>, Node> nodeFactory) {
        this.paragraph = par;


        int parLen = paragraph.length();
        clampedCaretPosition = -> Math.min(i, parLen));
        clampedCaretPosition.addListener((obs, oldPos, newPos) -> requestLayout());

        selection.addListener((obs, old, sel) -> requestLayout());

        Val<Double> leftInset =, Insets::getLeft);
        Val<Double> topInset =, Insets::getTop);

        // selection highlight

        // caret

        // XXX: see the note at highlightTextFill
//        highlightTextFill.addListener(new ChangeListener<Paint>() {
//            @Override
//            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Paint> observable,
//                    Paint oldFill, Paint newFill) {
//                for(PumpedUpText text: textNodes())
//                    text.impl_selectionFillProperty().set(newFill);
//            }
//        });

        // populate with text nodes
        par.getStyledSegments().stream().map(nodeFactory).forEach(n -> {
            if (n instanceof TextExt) {
                TextExt t = (TextExt) n;
                // XXX: binding selectionFill to textFill,
                // see the note at highlightTextFill

        // set up custom css shape helpers
        Supplier<Path> createBackgroundShape = () -> {
            Path shape = new BackgroundPath();
            return shape;
        Supplier<Path> createBorderShape = () -> {
            Path shape = new BorderPath();
            return shape;
        Supplier<Path> createUnderlineShape = () -> {
            Path shape = new UnderlinePath();
            return shape;

        Consumer<Collection<Path>> clearUnusedShapes = paths -> getChildren().removeAll(paths);
        Consumer<Path> addToBackground = path -> getChildren().add(0, path);
        Consumer<Path> addToForeground = path -> getChildren().add(path);
        backgroundShapeHelper = new CustomCssShapeHelper<>(
                (backgroundShape, tuple) -> {
        borderShapeHelper = new CustomCssShapeHelper<>(
                (borderShape, tuple) -> {
                    BorderAttributes attributes = tuple._1;
                    if (attributes.type != null) {
                    if (attributes.dashArray != null) {
        underlineShapeHelper = new CustomCssShapeHelper<>(
                (underlineShape, tuple) -> {
                    UnderlineAttributes attributes = tuple._1;
                    if (attributes.dashArray != null) {

    public Paragraph<PS, SEG, S> getParagraph() {
        return paragraph;

    public Var<Boolean> caretVisibleProperty() {
        return caretVisible;

    public ObjectProperty<Paint> highlightFillProperty() {
        return selectionShape.fillProperty();

    public double getCaretOffsetX() {
        layout(); // ensure layout, is a no-op if not dirty
        Bounds bounds = caretShape.getLayoutBounds();
        return (bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getMaxX()) / 2;

    public Bounds getCaretBounds() {
        layout(); // ensure layout, is a no-op if not dirty
        return caretShape.getBoundsInParent();

    public Bounds getCaretBoundsOnScreen() {
        layout(); // ensure layout, is a no-op if not dirty
        Bounds localBounds = caretShape.getBoundsInLocal();
        return caretShape.localToScreen(localBounds);

    public Bounds getRangeBoundsOnScreen(int from, int to) {
        layout(); // ensure layout, is a no-op if not dirty
        PathElement[] rangeShape = getRangeShapeSafely(from, to);

        // switch out shapes to calculate the bounds on screen
        // Must take a copy of the list contents, not just a reference:
        List<PathElement> selShape = new ArrayList<>(selectionShape.getElements());
        Bounds localBounds = selectionShape.getBoundsInLocal();
        Bounds rangeBoundsOnScreen = selectionShape.localToScreen(localBounds);

        return rangeBoundsOnScreen;

    public Optional<Bounds> getSelectionBoundsOnScreen() {
        if(selection.get().getLength() == 0) {
            return Optional.empty();
        } else {
            layout(); // ensure layout, is a no-op if not dirty
            Bounds localBounds = selectionShape.getBoundsInLocal();
            return Optional.ofNullable(selectionShape.localToScreen(localBounds));

    public int getCurrentLineStartPosition() {
        return getLineStartPosition(clampedCaretPosition.getValue());

    public int getCurrentLineEndPosition() {
        return getLineEndPosition(clampedCaretPosition.getValue());

    public int currentLineIndex() {
        return getLineOfCharacter(clampedCaretPosition.getValue());

    public int currentLineIndex(int position) {
        return getLineOfCharacter(position);

    private void updateCaretShape() {
        PathElement[] shape = getCaretShape(clampedCaretPosition.getValue(), true);

    private void updateSelectionShape() {
        int start = selection.get().getStart();
        int end = selection.get().getEnd();
        selectionShape.getElements().setAll(getRangeShapeSafely(start, end));

     * Gets the range shape for the given positions within the text, including the newline character, if range
     * defined by the start/end arguments include it.
     * @param start the start position of the range shape
     * @param end the end position of the range shape. If {@code end == paragraph.length() + 1}, the newline character
     *            will be included in the selection by selecting the rest of the line
    private PathElement[] getRangeShapeSafely(int start, int end) {
        PathElement[] shape;
        if (end <= paragraph.length()) {
            // selection w/o newline char
            shape = getRangeShape(start, end);
        } else {
            // Selection includes a newline character.
            if (paragraph.length() == 0) {
                // empty paragraph
                shape = createRectangle(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
            } else if (start == paragraph.length()) {
                // selecting only the newline char

                // calculate the bounds of the last character
                shape = getRangeShape(start - 1, start);
                LineTo lineToTopRight = (LineTo) shape[shape.length - 4];
                shape = createRectangle(lineToTopRight.getX(), lineToTopRight.getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
            } else {
                shape = getRangeShape(start, paragraph.length());
                // Since this might be a wrapped multi-line paragraph,
                // there may be multiple groups of (1 MoveTo, 3 LineTo objects) for each line:
                // MoveTo(topLeft), LineTo(topRight), LineTo(bottomRight), LineTo(bottomLeft)

                // We only need to adjust the top right and bottom right corners to extend to the
                // width/height of the line, simulating a full line selection.
                int length = shape.length;
                int bottomRightIndex = length - 3;
                int topRightIndex = bottomRightIndex - 1;
                LineTo lineToTopRight = (LineTo) shape[topRightIndex];
                shape[topRightIndex] = new LineTo(getWidth(), lineToTopRight.getY());
                shape[bottomRightIndex] = new LineTo(getWidth(), getHeight());

        if (getLineCount() > 1) {
            // adjust right corners of wrapped lines
            boolean wrappedAtEndPos = (end > 0 && getLineOfCharacter(end) > getLineOfCharacter(end - 1));
            int adjustLength = shape.length - (wrappedAtEndPos ? 0 : 5);
            for (int i = 0; i < adjustLength; i++) {
                if (shape[i] instanceof MoveTo) {
                    ((LineTo)shape[i + 1]).setX(getWidth());
                    ((LineTo)shape[i + 2]).setX(getWidth());

        return shape;

    private PathElement[] createRectangle(double topLeftX, double topLeftY, double bottomRightX, double bottomRightY) {
        return new PathElement[] {
                new MoveTo(topLeftX, topLeftY),
                new LineTo(bottomRightX, topLeftY),
                new LineTo(bottomRightX, bottomRightY),
                new LineTo(topLeftX, bottomRightY),
                new LineTo(topLeftX, topLeftY)

    private void updateBackgroundShapes() {
        int start = 0;

        // calculate shared values among consecutive nodes
        FilteredList<Node> nodeList = getChildren().filtered(node -> node instanceof TextExt);
        for (Node node : nodeList) {
            TextExt text = (TextExt) node;
            int end = start + text.getText().length();

            Paint backgroundColor = text.getBackgroundColor();
            if (backgroundColor != null) {
                backgroundShapeHelper.updateSharedShapeRange(backgroundColor, start, end);

            BorderAttributes border = new BorderAttributes(text);
            if (!border.isNullValue()) {
                borderShapeHelper.updateSharedShapeRange(border, start, end);

            UnderlineAttributes underline = new UnderlineAttributes(text);
            if (!underline.isNullValue()) {
                underlineShapeHelper.updateSharedShapeRange(underline, start, end);

            start = end;


    protected void layoutChildren() {

    private static class CustomCssShapeHelper<T> {

        private final List<Tuple2<T, IndexRange>> ranges = new LinkedList<>();
        private final List<Path> shapes = new LinkedList<>();

        private final Supplier<Path> createShape;
        private final BiConsumer<Path, Tuple2<T, IndexRange>> configureShape;
        private final Consumer<Path> addToChildren;
        private final Consumer<Collection<Path>> clearUnusedShapes;

        CustomCssShapeHelper(Supplier<Path> createShape, BiConsumer<Path, Tuple2<T, IndexRange>> configureShape,
                             Consumer<Path> addToChildren, Consumer<Collection<Path>> clearUnusedShapes) {
            this.createShape = createShape;
            this.configureShape = configureShape;
            this.addToChildren = addToChildren;
            this.clearUnusedShapes = clearUnusedShapes;

         * Calculates the range of a value (background color, underline, etc.) that is shared between multiple
         * consecutive {@link TextExt} nodes
        private void updateSharedShapeRange(T value, int start, int end) {
            Runnable addNewValueRange = () -> ranges.add(Tuples.t(value, new IndexRange(start, end)));

            if (ranges.isEmpty()) {
            } else {
                int lastIndex = ranges.size() - 1;
                Tuple2<T, IndexRange> lastShapeValueRange = ranges.get(lastIndex);
                T lastShapeValue = lastShapeValueRange._1;

                // calculate smallest possible position which is consecutive to the given start position
                final int prevEndNext = lastShapeValueRange.get2().getEnd() + 1;
                if (start <= prevEndNext &&         // Consecutive?
                    lastShapeValue.equals(value)) { // Same style?

                    IndexRange lastRange = lastShapeValueRange._2;
                    IndexRange extendedRange = new IndexRange(lastRange.getStart(), end);
                    ranges.set(lastIndex, Tuples.t(lastShapeValue, extendedRange));
                } else {

         * Updates the shapes calculated in {@link #updateSharedShapeRange(Object, int, int)} and configures them
         * via {@code configureShape}.
        private void updateSharedShapes() {
            // remove or add shapes, depending on what's needed
            int neededNumber = ranges.size();
            int availableNumber = shapes.size();

            if (neededNumber < availableNumber) {
                List<Path> unusedShapes = shapes.subList(neededNumber, availableNumber);
            } else if (availableNumber < neededNumber) {
                for (int i = 0; i < neededNumber - availableNumber; i++) {
                    Path shape = createShape.get();


            // update the shape's color and elements
            for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
                configureShape.accept(shapes.get(i), ranges.get(i));

            // clear, since it's no longer needed

    private static class BorderAttributes extends LineAttributesBase {

        final StrokeType type;

        BorderAttributes(TextExt text) {
            super(text.getBorderStrokeColor(), text.getBorderStrokeWidth(), text.borderStrokeDashArrayProperty());
            type = text.getBorderStrokeType();

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof BorderAttributes) {
                BorderAttributes attributes = (BorderAttributes) obj;
                return super.equals(attributes) && Objects.equals(type, attributes.type);
            } else {
                return false;

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("BorderAttributes[type=%s %s]", type, getSubString());

    private static class UnderlineAttributes extends LineAttributesBase {

        final StrokeLineCap cap;

        UnderlineAttributes(TextExt text) {
            super(text.getUnderlineColor(), text.getUnderlineWidth(), text.underlineDashArrayProperty());
            cap = text.getUnderlineCap();

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof UnderlineAttributes) {
                UnderlineAttributes attr = (UnderlineAttributes) obj;
                return super.equals(attr) && Objects.equals(cap, attr.cap);
            } else {
                return false;

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("UnderlineAttributes[cap=%s %s]", cap, getSubString());

    private static class LineAttributesBase {

        final double width;
        final Paint color;
        final Double[] dashArray;

        public final boolean isNullValue() { return color == null || width == -1; }

         * Java Quirk! Using {@code t.get[border/underline]DashArray()} throws a ClassCastException
         * "Double cannot be cast to Number". However, using {@code t.getDashArrayProperty().get()}
         * works without issue
        LineAttributesBase(Paint color, Number width, ObjectProperty<Number[]> dashArrayProp) {
            this.color = color;
            if (color == null || width == null || width.doubleValue() <= 0) {
                // null value
                this.width = -1;
                dashArray = null;
            } else {
                // real value
                this.width = width.doubleValue();

                // get the dash array - JavaFX CSS parser seems to return either a Number[] array
                // or a single value, depending on whether only one or more than one value has been
                // specified in the CSS
                Object dashArrayProperty = dashArrayProp.get();
                if (dashArrayProperty != null) {
                    if (dashArrayProperty.getClass().isArray()) {
                        Number[] numberArray = (Number[]) dashArrayProperty;
                        dashArray = new Double[numberArray.length];
                        int idx = 0;
                        for (Number d : numberArray) {
                            dashArray[idx++] = (Double) d;
                    } else {
                        dashArray = new Double[1];
                        dashArray[0] = ((Double) dashArrayProperty).doubleValue();
                } else {
                    dashArray = null;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof UnderlineAttributes) {
                UnderlineAttributes attr = (UnderlineAttributes) obj;
                return Objects.equals(width, attr.width)
                        && Objects.equals(color, attr.color)
                        && Arrays.equals(dashArray, attr.dashArray);
            } else {
                return false;

        protected final String getSubString() {
            return String.format("width=%s color=%s dashArray=%s", width, color, Arrays.toString(dashArray));

If I get any feeling when looking at this code, the feeling is "Please don't make me modify that code, pleaaseeeeee%^&*(*&^%~!!!!! Nooooooo!!!! ".

Last updated