Model View Presenter

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This article shows an example of Model View Presenter implementation. The basic idea is to show a way to split work with domain and service layer and UI view layer, not mixing all together.

Martin Fowler wrote great article worth reading about UI patterns.

What are the roles of MVP.

  • Model represents database entities and provide way to manipulate with them.

  • View displays UI components and has no context of how the database is used to fetch data.

  • Presenter connect Model and View together, while only the presenter has the right to touch Model.

This example is intentionally simplified to easier understing of MVP implementation. We will create application that displays user name fetched from database.

Step 1

Create domain model class for user entity. Run grails create-domain-class app.model.User command to create User class.

package app.model

class User {

    String firstname
    String surname

    String email

    static constraints = {

Step 2

Now create service, by running grails create-service app.model.UserService command, that will be used to manipulate with User domain object.

package app.model

import grails.transaction.Transactional

class UserService {

    User findByEmail(String email) {
        return User.findByEmail(email)

Step 3

Persist one user in BootStrap.groovy to have a database record in database. We will use it later.

import app.model.User

class BootStrap {

    def init = { servletContext ->

        User john = new User()
        john.firstname = 'John'
        john.surname = 'Lustig' = ''

    def destroy = {

Step 4

Now create a view to display details about user. We will never do any database operations in UserView class but instead we provide methods to populate values in UI.

package app.view

import app.model.User
import com.vaadin.navigator.View
import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener
import com.vaadin.ui.Label
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout

class UserView extends VerticalLayout implements View {

    UserView() {

    void enter(ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent event) {

    void showUserDetail(User user) {
        addComponent(new Label(user.firstname))
        addComponent(new Label(user.surname))

We could create an interface for UserView that will define all mandatory methods for that view. That would easier mocking of UserView in test and could give a way to make multiple implementations of user view.

Step 5

Now we create presenter for UserView. It will have reference to UserView and UserService.

The presenter will be responsible to add a view into navigator and to fetch values using UserService.

package app.presenter

import app.model.User
import app.model.UserService
import app.view.UserView
import com.vaadin.grails.Grails
import com.vaadin.ui.UI

class UserPresenter {

    public static final String USER = 'user'

    UserView view

    UserPresenter() {

    void initialize() {
        view = new UserView()
        UI.current.navigator.addView(USER, view)

    void navigateTo() {

        UserService model = Grails.get(UserService)
        User user = model.findByEmail('')

Step 6

Now we use UserPresenter in our UI class to display user details.

package app

import app.presenter.UserPresenter
import com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest
import com.vaadin.ui.UI

class MyUI extends UI {

    protected void init(VaadinRequest r) {

        Navigator navigator = new Navigator(this, this)

        new UserPresenter().initialize().navigate()

Now we can run the application and user will appear in the browser.

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