Re-using GORM Validations

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When we define validation rules, constraints, in domain class we probably do not want to repeat that validation rules in Vaadin code. We would rather re-use it in Vaadin code for validation of input fields.

We can get constraints from a domain class and use it. Because Vaadin provides many validator, we can use them and fill it with what we have defined in constraints for a domain class.

Assume we have a product, domain class, that has a name. The product name needs to fulfil certiain validation rules. The name cannot be blank, it has too be more than 2 characters long and maximum lenght is 255.

class Product {

    String name

    static constraints = {
        name(blank: false, minSize: 2, maxSize: 255)

Then we can get the constraints in Vaadin code and use it as parameters for validation.

Product product = new Product() = "iPhone 7"

FormLayout form = new FormLayout()
FieldGroup binder = new FieldGroup(new BeanItem(product))

TextField txnName = binder.buildAndBind("Name", "name")

def constraints = Product.constraints
def name =

int minSize = name.minSize
int maxSize = name.maxSize
boolean blank = name.blank

StringLengthValidator validator = new StringLengthValidator("Validation failed", minSize, maxSize, blank)


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