Find the Duplicate Number
Given an array nums containing n+ 1 integers where each integer is between 1 and n (inclusive), prove that at least one duplicate number must exist. Assume that there is only one duplicate number, find the duplicate one.
Example 1:
Example 2:
You must not modify the array (assume the array is read only).
You must use only constant, O(1) extra space.
Your runtime complexity should be less than O(_n_2).
There is only one duplicate number in the array, but it could be repeated more than once.
The first two approaches mentioned do not satisfy the constraints given in the prompt, but they are solutions that you might be likely to come up with during a technical interview. As an interviewer, I personally would_not_expect someone to come up with the cycle detection solution unless they have heard it before.
Proving that at least one duplicate must exist innums
is simple application of thepigeonhole principle. Here, each number innums
is a "pigeon" and each distinct number that can appear innums
is a "pigeonhole". Because there aren+1n+1numbers arenndistinct possible numbers, the pigeonhole principle implies that at least one of the numbers is duplicated.
Approach #1 Sorting [Accepted]
If the numbers are sorted, then any duplicate numbers will be adjacent in the sorted array.
Given the intuition, the algorithm follows fairly simply. First, we sort the array, and then we compare each element to the previous element. Because there is exactly one duplicated element in the array, we know that the array is of at least length 2, and we can return the duplicate element as soon as we find it.
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity :O(nlgn)O(nlgn)
invocation costsO(nlgn)O(nlgn)time in Python and Java, so it dominates the subsequent linear scan.Space complexity :O(1)O(1)(orO(n)O(n))
Here, we sort
in place, so the memory footprint is constant. If we cannot modify the input array, then we must allocate linear space for a copy ofnums
and sort that instead.
Approach #2 Set [Accepted]
If we store each element as we iterate over the array, we can simply check each element as we iterate over the array.
In order to achieve linear time complexity, we need to be able to insert elements into a data structure (and look them up) in constant time. ASet
satisfies these constraints nicely, so we iterate over the array and insert each element intoseen
. Before inserting it, we check whether it is already there. If it is, then we found our duplicate, so we return it.
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity :O(n)O(n)
in both Python and Java rely on underlying hash tables, so insertion and lookup have amortized constant time complexities. The algorithm is therefore linear, as it consists of afor
loop that performs constant worknntimes.Space complexity :O(n)O(n)
In the worst case, the duplicate element appears twice, with one of its appearances at array indexn−1n−1. In this case,
will containn−1n−1distinct values, and will therefore occupyO(n)O(n)space.
Approach #3 Floyd's Tortoise and Hare (Cycle Detection) [Accepted]
If we interpretnums
such that for each pair of index ii and value vi vi, the "next" valuevjvjis at indexvivi, we can reduce this problem to cycle detection. See the solution to Linked List Cycle II for more details.
First off, we can easily show that the constraints of the problem imply that a cycle_must_exist. Because each number innums
is between11andnn, it will necessarily point to an index that exists. Therefore, the list can be traversed infinitely, which implies that there is a cycle. Additionally, because 00 cannot appear as a value innums
cannot be part of the cycle. Therefore, traversing the array in this manner fromnums[0]
is equivalent to traversing a cyclic linked list. Given this, the problem can be solved just like Linked List Cycle II.
To see the algorithm in action, check out the animation below:
1 / 25
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity :O(n)O(n)
For detailed analysis, refer toLinked List Cycle II.
Space complexity :O(1)O(1)
For detailed analysis, refer toLinked List Cycle II.
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