Range Module

A Range Module is a module that tracks ranges of numbers. Your task is to design and implement the following interfaces in an efficient manner.

addRange(int left, int right)

  • Adds the half-open interval[left, right), tracking every real number in that interval. Adding an interval that partially overlaps with currently tracked numbers should add any numbers in the interval[left, right)that are not already tracked.

queryRange(int left, int right)

  • Returns true if and only if every real number in the interval[left, right)is currently being tracked.

removeRange(int left, int right)

  • Stops tracking every real number currently being tracked in the interval[left, right).

Example 1:

addRange(10, 20): null
removeRange(14, 16): null
queryRange(10, 14): true (Every number in [10, 14) is being tracked)
queryRange(13, 15): false (Numbers like 14, 14.03, 14.17 in [13, 15) are not being tracked)
queryRange(16, 17): true (The number 16 in [16, 17) is still being tracked, despite the remove operation)


A half open interval[left, right)denotes all real numbersleft <= x < right.

0 < left < right < 10^9in all calls toaddRange, queryRange, removeRange.

The total number of calls toaddRangein a single test case is at most1000.

The total number of calls toqueryRangein a single test case is at most5000.

The total number of calls toremoveRangein a single test case is at most1000.


class RangeModule {

    public RangeModule() {


    public void addRange(int left, int right) {


    public boolean queryRange(int left, int right) {


    public void removeRange(int left, int right) {


 * Your RangeModule object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * RangeModule obj = new RangeModule();
 * obj.addRange(left,right);
 * boolean param_2 = obj.queryRange(left,right);
 * obj.removeRange(left,right);

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